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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Where to Study

Although studying in a dorm room is convenient, it is often a poor place to learn. The dorm has a plethora of distractions including Blitzmail, Snood, the telephone, video games, friends down the hall. Lying down on the bed to read turns into an hour long nap and a bright yellow highlighter spot on your sheets! 

If you want to improve your concentration and efficiency as a student, develop a place to study that is just that - a place where you go to work on academics. The campus is full of good spots to study. Experiment with what works best for you.

A list of common study spots on campus and includes rankings of noise level, clenliness, and availability:
o Classrooms are the best place to study with a group of people. You can take turns writing problems on the blackboard and explaining them to each other. You will not disturb other people or be disturbed by them, and there are plenty of seats for everyone.
o Outside, on the nearest patch of grass, under a shady tree, provides a good group meeting place. You can be as loud as you want and move around as much as you want (if you are preparing a skit). Of course, there are only a couple months in the school year when studying outside is practical.

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